Coffee’n Tea – Multisensorial Cosmetic

Most cultures of the world provide traditional coffee and tea rituals. Fine examples of these rituals and ceremonies are Japanese tea ceremony, Middle Eastern Divinations by coffee grounds or tea leaves, coffee ceremonies in the Horn of Africa.

These two famous ingredients which have been a part of dietary and herbal traditions of many peoples for centuries, are the ingredients Alma Briosa uses to create its personal ceremony and celebrate a cosmetic ritual of beauty that involves each and every human sense.

Hence the innovative concept in cosmetics: Multi-Sensorial Cosmetics.

Every cosmetic product in the Coffee ‘n Tea line, which is based on different coffees, owns its personal dedicated “multi-sensory path”, a specific ritual to awaken the senses, and stimulate sensory perception of mind and body, regenerating the spirit, as one takes care of one’s own skin.


The line is composed by 4 products:

Verde: Moisturizing Body Mousse with Sencha Green Tea, Green Coffee, Matè Tea, Chlorophyll, Argan  Oil, antioxidant, elastifying, and slimming

Bianco: Cleansing and purifying mousse for face and body with White Tea, White Coffee, Rice, Lapacho Tea, Rosehip, Marshmallow and Yarrow

Rosso: Multifunctional Cream (Face, Hands, Body, Feet) with Red Tea, Red Coffee, Ibiscus Tea, Watermelon Seeds oil, moisturizing, repairing, and emollient

Nero: Detoxyfying face and body Scrub, with Balck Tea and Black Coffee, Sea Salt, Sweet Almond and Wheat Germ oils


Each one of the 4 products has a different color (given by the presence of different teas and coffees), a particular texture, a carachteristic fragrance, different vegetal ingredients.

Each products has a specific “multisensorial experience”.

Following the directions of the beauty ritual, the awakening of the senses will be complete and satisfying: all the senses will be refreshed and regenerated, eliminating stress, mental and physical fatigue and leaving a pleasant feeling of inner well-being.

MULTI-SENSORIAL PRODUCT and ingredients Touch: the product has the following texture: View: for chromotherapy the color of the product represents: Smell: Essential oils and scented plants: Taste: recommended drink to complete the multi-sensory experience Hearing: recommended music to complete the multi-sensory experience
Verde – Sencha Green Tea, Green Coffee, Matè Tea, Chlorophyll Antioxidant, elastifying, and slimming Mousse specific for legs and hips Hope, balance, peace, calm and concentration Lemon, green coffee and green tea Sencha Green Tea Claire de Lune de Debussy or Corelli's "Adagio del concerto grosso"
Bianco – White Tea, White Coffee, Rice, Lapacho Tea, Cleansing and purifying mousse for face and body Hope for the future, purity, desire for change Bergamot and sweet orange Pai mu than White Tea Vivaldi's "Primavera" or Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Reed Flutes"
Rosso – Red Tea, Red Coffee, Ibiscus Tea, Watermelon Seeds oil Antioxidant Cream for Face, Hands, Body, Feet Love, passion, strength, health and vitality sweet orange, rooibos tea Red Tea or chicory coffee Boccherini's "Musica notturna delle strade di Madrid" or Bizet's Carmen
Nero – Balck Tea and Black Coffee Detoxyfying face and body Scrub Tenacity, dedication, decisiveness Vanilla and ginger, black tea and black coffee Balck Tea or Black Coffee Ponchielli's Dance of The Hours or Delibes' "Pizzicato"

The Products

Verde - Moisturizing Mousse

Nero - Detoxyfying Scrub

Bianco - Cleansing Mousse

Rosso - Multifunctional Cream